Is There A Better Sunrise?

Sunrises are beautiful. They set the mood for the day. If you see a huge bright sun coming up from the East; all is right with the world. Some people love to be at the beach or out on their deck or porch at home. Not me. I want to be at the golf course on the first tee looking at all its majesty. I feel a calmness come over me because I know that I’m at the right place at the right time. Now with that said; I need to come up with a way to be able to see my golf ball when I launch it 250 yds knowing that it’s never down the middle of the fairway EVER!!

Is There A Better Sunrise?

Let the know about your memories of the sunrises over your golf day. What is the best trick you’ve found to track a golf ball in flight when the sun is in your eyes?

Is There A Better Sunrise?

Is There A Better Sunrise?

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