Has this ever happened to you? You stripe one down the middle and you can’t find your ball. Well it’s either plugged like in spring or it’s under the dropped leaves of fall. Right now it’s fall so the ground is hard and it can only mean that the leaves you so admired last week are now hiding your golf ball.
I Can’t Find My Golf Ball !!
This happens every day on the course right now and if you hit it into the rough, you have an even tougher time finding your ball. Not only is the grass higher but the leaves are closer to the trees. Even with all of these obstacles, fall golf is a great time to play. So get off of your asses and get out there and play. The deals are great right now and getting a little exercise is never a bad thing.
Let the 19thHoleGolfClub.com know about your fall golf stories. How many balls are you looking for each round? Did you ever put leaves over your buddies ball to hide it on them?
the golf balls at the range have been hit so often they have lost some of their spring. if your hitnitg drives farther at the range than on the course it’s because of the fact that the mat or the tee isn’t changing.you get use to hitnitg the ball from that one position, on the course each shot is different and requires you to adjust.theoretically if you can hit a ball close to the 300 yard maker at the range, you should be able to do this at course but it usually doesn’t work out that way.
Because of declining eyesight I can only play golf now if I have a friend to play along – I am used to playing a lot by myself but I cannot see the ball off the tee so I have to go look for my ball aimlessly, sometimes finding it and sometimes not – this sounds like an excellent tool for someone in my situation.