This is probably the best time on the golf course. You’re playing with your friends. You’re having a beer or whatever and your busting each other’s chops. It’s so much different than tournament golf, it’s hard to describe.
There you are, on the tee and you’re feeling good about your driving because you just nailed the last one down the middle and past your buddies. This time however, you dribble one of the tee about 25 yds and it looked as bad as that felt when you hit it. All you can do now is hope your friends didn’t see it. THEY DID!! In fact it was so bad that they remind you of it again and again during your round. But you know what? Payback’s a Bitch because they are going to do something stupid also and when they do, you’ll be more than happy to share in their moment.
Golfing With Your Buddies
One of the best things about golf is just how maddening and just how euphoric it can be in just a few short moments of each other. That is why golfing with your buddies is the best golf. It allows you to have fun, drink too much, play some cards afterwards and talk about your memories long ago. I don’t get to do this that often anymore due to my tournament schedule but when I do, I really relish it. I hope that you do to.
Share your best and worst golfing story with the I bet you have some awesome tales to tell.